Cyprus police anti-brutality

Here is yet another story showing the soft side of Cyprus police:

At around 5am yesterday morning, the police chased a 24 year old across town who failed to stop when the police signalled him for an alco-test. The chase started in Kennedy street, and finished when he was captured at his house in Mammari village in the Kokkinotrimithia area. During the chase he went through 3 police road blocks injuring a policeman who was trying to stop him. At some point he drove into the buffer zone near his village forcing the police to stop chasing him; on his way back to the free areas he injured a second policeman. The police was forced to use their firearms in order to immobilise his car but even under fire and with broken tires the 24 year old continued driving. He managed to reach his house where he attacked another policeman and entered his house refusing to come out. He was finally arrested yesterday at 15:00. The police is holding the 24 year old’s car as evidence while they are suspecting that he entered the buffer zone to dispose illegal items he was carrying. His father claims his son entered the buffer zone because he was scared and the he didn’t notice the police road blocks due to limited visibility.


MySQL prompt

I’ve been using MySQL for quite a few years by now, but only today I learned that it is possible to define MySQL prompt.  As per this blog post, all it takes is a couple of lines in .my.cnf file with something like:

prompt="\u@\h (\d)> "

That alone will help to prevent a gadzillion of destructive mistakes when you think that you are working with one database, when, in fact, you are working with a totally other.  On top of that, the blog post suggests using rlwrap tool, with which one could add some colors to the prompts as well.

Day in brief

  • 6 Linux Music Players To Replace Songbird #
  • Downloading the update for my @PlayStation . One thing I constantly find annoying is a software update without change log. I want to know. #
  • May 15. Limassol, Cyprus. I hear the sounds of thunder. Woo Hoo! :) #
  • Switch my #wordpress search to Google Custom Search Engine proves to be more complicated than I thought. It's my second attempt, failure. #
  • Getting all ready to watch Russia versus Czech Republic in the fight for bronze medal. Subscribed to live stream for 7 euros. #
  • Russia is loosing 1: 0 already. #
  • Goal!!! #
  • Another!!!!! #
  • 2: 2!!!! What a game!!!! #
  • Score!!!!!! #
  • End of first period. Russia leading 3: 2 #
  • Didn't want to drink today. Not going to happen. Too pumped up. #
  • The beginning of the second period. Go Russia! #
  • 3: 3 :( #
  • Czechs score the fourth #
  • Russian breaks the glass with his head. #
  • This of getting dangerous. Fifth went in. #
  • Russia scores!!!!! #
  • Russians are in minority #
  • Fight !!! #
  • It is getting physical:-) 4 on 4 #
  • The end of the second period. We are behind with 5: 4 #
  • By the way, commentators on this game suck. Not useful at all. #
  • The start of third period. We need to score two without missing one. #
  • Russian gets a knee injury #
  • Russians on minority again #
  • No!!!!!! 6: 4 #
  • Timeout #
  • This is not the same game that at it used to be one hour ago. #
  • Losing hope #
  • Russians changed goal keeper for extra player. One more goal #
  • This is the end. We lost 7: 4 #
  • Paid apps are now available in Android market from Cyprus. Let the money spending begin. :-) #

Day in brief

  • I slept for 12.5 hours today. Much needed rest. Feel way better now. :) #
  • New note : Technica Cyprus / Laptops, iPhone, LCD TV, Computers & more / Notebook & Netbook sales in Cyprus #
  • New note : E-SHOPCY.COM.CY – Cyprus online technology shop #
  • New note : Singular eShop | Computer Shop | Online Store – Cyprus #
  • New note : Pixmania: Online Shopping High-tech, Information Technology, electronics #
  • New note : Cyprus Laptops Computers and Electronics EShop Estore – E-Shop Store #
  • I need to buy a small and cheap scanner to get all my paperwork to @evernote. Must work with Linux. Any suggestions? #
  • Just received a special offer email from some Symbian app shop. Unsubscribe! I'm a happy Android owner for 4 month now. ;) #
  • Sky-high prices? Eurodonkey comes to the rescue! – Cyprus Mail #
  • Vintage Photographs of Moscow 1909 – a set on Flickr #
  • I Love Charts – Ben Greenman’s Museum of Silly Charts #
  • New note : NEXUS Computer Systems #
  • New note : Vintage Photographs of Moscow 1909 – a set on Flickr #
  • New note : Bionic Online – Cyprus online computer shop #

Satirical illustrations by Pawel Kuczynski

One thing that I really don’t like is when people use someone else’s work without giving credit.  Today I came across a few images which I really liked, but which were shared without any mention of the author.  It took me a few minutes to establish that what I saw were satirical illustrations by a famous Polish artists Pawel Kuczynski.

The fact that I don’t really enjoy this particular drawing style didn’t stop me from enjoying many of the ideas pictured.  There are takes on anything – society, war, technology, fashion, environment, and more.  Have a look at more of his work.  Below are a few of my favorites.