- Twitter UI redesign for Android – much needed and much improved! #
- Nothing stops a desire to write a blog post as effeciently as daily reminder. #
- I just became the mayor of Logos School of English Education on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/fBOmLS #
- I'm at Logos School of English Education (33-35 Yialousa St, Limassol) http://4sq.com/gtxIkZ #
- Shared: 65% of Cypriots use the Internet daily http://bit.ly/fAo3QQ #
- By the way, it's Friday in case you haven't noticed. #
- Mr. Apachevski / Mrs. Apacheva :-) #
- I'm at Sigma Bakery (Limassol) http://4sq.com/hoOY6f #
- Regroup at home before some Friday beer. (@ Kirzis Center) http://4sq.com/evFl81 #
- Shared: Renewable energy? As ever, no clear policy exists http://bit.ly/fY8a9u #
- I'm at Chester's w/ 2 others http://4sq.com/eEEH3C #