Daily tweets digest

  • I want Google Fast Flip on top of my Google Reader. I don't want to read SOME news. I want to read MY feeds. http://fastflip.googlelabs.com/ #
  • Having all your mail archives for more than a decade in one place with Google Search on top of it awesome! I tell you cause I just tried it. #
  • Syriana is a beautiful movie. No matter how true the story is. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365737/ #
  • International PHP Conference 2009, Germany, November 15-18. Sounds interesting. http://bit.ly/SYuFF #



A few days ago I watched “Sleepers“.  I guess the title of the movie makes it sound like a horror film and that’s why I missed it for all these years.  Somehow this time I decided to check the cast and was very surprised to find so many celebrities in – Kevin Bacon, Brad Pitt, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, and a few others.

The film turned out be excellent.  First of all, the story, which is fascinating.  It is said to be based on a true story, however there are only so many people who can back it up.  But it’s not really important if it is true or not.   It’s realistic enough and has enough unexpected twists and turns.

Secondly, plenty of good acting.  There was enough freedom given to each of the actors, and there was enough to explore and enough screen time to show the results.

Thirdly, the technical part.  While the film didn’t need as much of special effects as any modern action film (which it is not), there were quite a few challenges, which were solved nicely.  The back in time feeling, boys’ memories, and the atmosphere for each scene, varying from childish fun to adult sadness – all were done excellent.

Overall, a highly recommended movie with 5 stars from me.