Cyprus Linux User Group meeting

As you might have heard, there was yet another Cyprus Linux User Group meeting yesterday.  It was, as usual, aligned to the recent Ubuntu and upcoming Fedora releases.  This time the even took place in the new University of Cyprus campus, in Nicosia.  There were slightly more people than the last time, but I was hoping for even more.

There were three presentations and one workshop.   Theo did a traditional Ubuntu Linux presentation in Greek.  Alexandros presented, also in Greek, about Linux in Cyprus education – a very interesting one, too bad my Greek is so poor.  And then I did a presentation in English about what Linux has to offer to students and why they should get involved.  Here are the slides from my talk (Linux for Students and Linux for Students).  After the presentations, Constantinos did a workshop about Compiz and Elisa media library.  Both looked quite impressive.

After the event a few of us went to the tavern for some really awesome meze and beer.  Altogether – good fun.

P.S.: If you missed the event, keep an eye on Ubuntu Cyprus web site and forums for announcements of the next one. Hope to see you there.

Daily tweets digest

  • Cyprus LUG meetup in University of Cyprus, Nicosia at 17:00 today. I'll do a talk like last time. Come. #
  • En route to Nicosia. Coming earlier to setup workshop computers. #
  • Finally, after 20 liters of petrol or so, we found University of Cyprus. #
  • It's beautiful here. Campus buildings, green fields, lots of space and fresh air, and sunset. #
  • Theo started with a traditional Ubuntu speech. This one is i n Greek. #
  • The official part is over. Now for food and beer. #