- Fotofox extension works with Flickr again. Hooray! Life is beautiful! #
- My Flickr photostream has exactly 11,000 pictures now. Cool! #
- My Firefox went on a healthy diet or something. After Fotofox, Google Gears starts to just magically work. #
- I wonder how much time will pass before online porn industry will utlize Google Gears. Needs adoption or something #
Year: 2007
Daily tweets
Daily tweets
- Trying out Bloglines Beta – http://beta.bloglines.com <http://beta.bloglines.com> – not bad. And FAST! But not enough. And search … #
- Watched "Man on Fire" DVD. Again. For a millionth time already. Excellent movie. #
Meeting old friend
Today I met one of my old friends.Ă‚Â He lives far away now and we haven’t seen each other in five years or so.Ă‚Â Ă‚Â I was really glad to see him.Ă‚Â Maybe even more glad than I was expecting that I would.
That’s about as much as I can express with words after six re-writes of this post…
Daily tweets
- I am eagerly waiting for this year to end. #