$10 USD for Wikipedia

Somehow I got into my Donating Mood ™ again. This is the mood that forces me to donate $1 or $5 or $10 or, sometimes even $15 USD to some organization or individual. I don’t keep any lists of destinations to donate to, so when it happens it happens almost randomly.

This time it was Wikipedia. $10 USD (via PayPal).

Not that I am heavy user of Wikipedia, but I tend to look stuff up once in a while. So, when I noticed their donation link, I thought ‘Why not?’. Thanks guys for doing such a nice job. Keep it up.

And I’ll be back soon for some of your merchandise.

Lock picking set

I have hard times ignoring things that come in sets. For example, this “Lock Pick Set” which came side by side with this “Visual Guide to Lock Picking“. Literally. These two items were added together to ThinkGeek‘s “What’s new” section.

How can anyone pass by this offer? A toolbox and a visual guide on how to use these tools. And all that for less than $60 USD (minus shipping)!

The only thing that stops me from ordering those two items straight away is the law. Actually, not the law, but my ignorance of it. I’ve read recently, that in the USA such laws are specific to each state. Most of the EU countries don’t regulate this issue. And I have no idea of how Cyprus stands. (if you do, please let me know via comments or email)

Certificate of Naturalization

This is the quick update about my citizenship case.

Yesterday somone from Nicosia called me and informed that my Certificate of Naturalization is ready, and that I should come and pick it up. I talked with the guy who is handling the paperwork for my case and he said that he won’t be able to get it, because they (The Ministry of Interiior?) will give it only to me.

Today I went to Nicosia and, indeed, picked it up myself. It took me about an hour to get to the capitol, and about an hour to come back. The “getting” part was less than 15 minutes.

To summarize the soap opera above: the paper that proves my Cypriot citizenship is in my hands. In two copies. Wow!

There is still plenty of paperwork to do – passport, ID card, voting logbook, military, and some more. But all these are nuances. The main question has been answered, it was answered in my favor, and I have the paper to prove it.

Currently, I am a little bit beyond happy.