Men in Black II

Just a couple of weeks ago I posted a trailer for “Men in Black II” and said that I somehow missed it this movie altogether.  And here I am, holding a copy of “Men in Black II” in my hands.  Not that I was looking for it in particular, but I got it via a concerned reader of this blog.  Thanks Alex.

The film is a sequel to the first part and is very similar in a lot of ways.  It is a light entertainment with a few bits of sci-fi in it.  Both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are in it.  With quite a few aliens and big guns.

This part however is not as good as the original movie.  It tries to be, but it’s not.  It is entertaining and funny sometimes.  But it’s much weaker in every way – less action, simpler story, etc.  I still enjoyed watching it and it also made want to watch the first film again.

Overall, 3 out of 5.  Watch it if you have nothing else in your queue, but don’t spend any time looking for this movie.  Don’t expect much either, and you’ll probably enjoy it.

The Siege

Watched “The Siege” on DVD. It is an excellent action film about terrorism vandalizing USA in general and New York in particular. It is interesting how the perspective changed since 1998 when the movie was released. Today we no more about terrorism. Today the WTC towers are gone. Today terrorism is still a hot subject. And people are still afraid.

Apart from an interesting subject, this film has an interesting cast – Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Tony Shalhoub, Annette Bening and few others. Also, what I liked, is that this film does not leave a good and cosy feeling. It has a kind of happy ending where one does not expect anything bad to happen, but so much of it has already happenned that sadness and insecurity are the two greatest feelings left.

8 out of 10.