- @unitedworx Cool. I'll need to try that. Will get myself an Android table in 2012 for sure. That's my New Year's resolution. :) #
- @unitedworx A few days ago I was wondering which size is better. Yesterday played with Samsung Galaxy Note a bit. Bigger screens are better. #
- @unitedworx Agreed. I've seen many parents at parties saved from kids by tablets. Useful at home, but indispensable elsewhere. :) #
- @unitedworx Agreed. I don't want tablet for a phone. Neither do I want to use phone as a table. By now the difference is obvious. #
- @unitedworx my son has a netbook with an extra monitor. YouTube and kids' websites with games keep him occupied pretty well too. #OccupyKids #
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/Ispwl1s6 "Trick The Bridesmaid" — a Bad Lip Reading of Barack Obama #
- One of the #ThingsIHate is when someone walks into the office singing a tune and leaves before finishing it.I'll have it in my head all day. #
- Я ежедневно использую @evernote_ru для складирования заметок о том, как ежедневно использовать @evernote #evernotefan #
- Smoking in office is banned in Cyprus. Yet our fire alarm is triggered once in a while by bosses smoking in the conference room. #
- I did something beautiful today. Won't be able to show it though. #