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CakePHP + GraphViz = making sense of a numerous models

NOTE: THIS IS VERY MUCH OUTDATED! Read about the update or go directly to GitHub repository for the new version.


I have a task at hand.  I have to re-introduce myself to a rather large codebase.  It’s a project that migrated to CakePHP a couple of years ago and haven’t seen since.  There was a whole team of people working on it sense then, and now I need to make sense of all those changes that were done and help reorganize and refactor them a bit.  When I looked into CakePHP’s models/ folder, I was surprised to find 50+ models there.  Each and every one of them links to other models.  And documentation is practically non-existing.  How do I go about it?  I hack up a little script to help me out.

There is a really elegant and beautiful tool for graphing things – GraphViz.  If you haven’t heard of it, you need to drop whatever is that you are doing and familiarize yourself with GraphViz.  Right now.  Right.  This. Second.  You are missing out a whole universe until you do so.  I’ll wait.

Now that you are back, I just want to mention a very slick tool, which is a part of GraphViz package – dot.  It is a simple language in which you can describe graphs.  Sort of like “A goes to B, which goes to C”.   You specify your graph in a very human readable format in a text file, and then dot will transform that text file into an image format of your choice (PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc).  The primary beauty of this is that those text files can be generated automatically by using pretty much any programming language.

So here is what I did.  I assumed the following:

  1. Project documentation should be in app/docs/ folder.  That’s where I’ll put the script and that’s where it will generate the dot configuration, dot later will generate the graph of all my models and their relationships.
  2. Main project application folder is app/.  Models are stored in app/models/ folder.
  3. Project can have a number of plugins, which can have their own models, which I still want to know about.  Plugins are in app/plugins/ and if plugin xyz has models, they are stored in app/plugins/xyz/models.
  4. My project is under version control.  Specifically I use Subversion, but it’s easy to adjust the script to support other systems.
  5. I can get current project revision by running a command in shell.  For Subversion that is /usr/bin/svnversion.

I probably assumed a whole bunch of other things, but you can get an idea of how simple the setup is from the above ones.

Here is how I generate a graph of all models and their dependencies:

cd app/docs/
php -f graph.php >
dot -Tpng > graph.png

Obviously, I can’t show you the full graph from that system (it’s not open source, it’s not mine, and it will drive you insane in a matter of seconds), but here is how a small part of that image looks like.

There is a different colour for each type of model relationship ($belongsTo, $hasMany, and $hasAndBelongsToMany). Each model folder is in a separate sub-graph cluster. There is a legend graph on the image. The current time stamp and version control revision are also imposed on the image for easier referencing.

And here is the source for the graph.php script. Feel free to modify any way you like. If you spot any major bugs or better ways of doing things, please let me know in the comments.

Update (March 20, 2010): Due to the complexity of the graph and model relationships at hand, I failed to see that the graph wasn’t quite accurate. With some free time on my hands today, I fixed a few problems and reorganized the code. Even though it’s a few lines longer, the whole thing is much simpler now. And more accurate.

Update (March 22, 2010): Added missing support for hasOne relationships.

 * Generate a graph of model dependencies for CakePHP application
 * Usage:
 * $ php -f graph.php > && dot -Tpng > graph.png
 * Explanation:
 * The script generates a description of all model relationships in dot format (GraphViz).  All models
 * are considered, both in app/models/ folder and in all app/plugins/SOMETHING/models/ folders.
 * Note:
 * The script relies on being in app/docs/ folder.  If you place it anywhere else, don't forget to
 * correct the paths in constants below.
 * TODO:
 * - Rewrite GraphViz part using the GraphViz PEAR module
 * - Fix models that fall outside cluster due to aliasing (e.g.: $belongsTo => array('Owner' => array('className'=>'User')))
 * @author Leonid Mamchenkov <>

define('PATH_TO_APP_MODELS', '/../models');
define('PATH_TO_PLUGINS', '/../plugins');
define('PATH_TO_SVNVERSION', '/usr/bin/svnversion');
define('UNKNOWN_REVISION', 'Unknown');

 * Graph settings for each type of relationship.  Consult dot language documentation for more details.
$relationSettings = array(
					'belongsTo' => array('dir'=>'forward', 'color'=>'green'),
					'hasOne' => array('dir'=>'forward', 'color'=>'magenta'),
					'hasMany' => array('dir'=>'forward', 'color'=>'blue'),
					'hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('dir'=>'both', 'color'=>'red'),

 * Empty Model class is needed to bypass fatal errors when loading models, since we don't
 * load the full CakePHP architecture.
class Model {

 * Find model paths based on current location
 * @return array
function getModelsDirs() {
	$result = array();

	// app/models
	$result[] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . PATH_TO_APP_MODELS);

	// plugins
	$pluginsDir = new DirectoryIterator(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . PATH_TO_PLUGINS));
	foreach ($pluginsDir as $fileInfo) {
		if ($fileInfo->isDot()) {
		if ($fileInfo->isDir()) {
			$modelDir = $fileInfo->getPathname() . '/models';
			if (is_dir($modelDir)) {
				$result[] = $modelDir;

	return $result;

 * Get model name based on file name
 * @param object $fileInfo
 * @return string
function getModelName($fileInfo) {
	$result = ucfirst(preg_replace('/\.php$/i', '', $fileInfo->getFilename()));

	return $result;

 * Check if filename follows the model naming convention
 * @param object $fileInfo
 * @return boolean
function isValidModel($fileInfo) {
	$result = false;
	if (preg_match('/^[A-z0-9]+\.php$/', $fileInfo->getFilename())) {
		$result = true;
	return $result;

 * Get two characters to use as targets in the legend
 * @param string $last Last-used character
 * @return array
function getTargets($last = null) {
	if (! $last) {
		$last = '@'; // Next ASCII table character is A
	$first = chr(ord($last) + 1);
	$second = chr(ord($last) + 2);

	return array($first, $second);

 * Convert an array of settings into dot string
 * @param array $settings Associative array of settings
 * @return string
function prepareSettings($settings) {
	$result = '';

	foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
		$result .= sprintf("%s=\"%s\", ", $key, $value);
	$result = preg_replace('/,\s$/', '', $result);
	if ($result) {
		$result = "[$result]";

	return $result;

 * Generate a relation string in dot format
 * @param string $from Source node
 * @param string $to Destination node
 * @param array $settings Array of edge settings
function prepareRelation($from, $to, $settings) {
	$result = '';

	$settingsString = prepareSettings($settings);
	$result = sprintf("\t%s -> %s %s;\n", $from, $to, $settingsString);

	return $result;

 * Generate a node string in dot format
 * @param string $node Node name
 * @param array $settings Array of node settings
function prepareNode($node, $settings) {
	$result = '';

	$settingsString = prepareSettings($settings);
	$result = sprintf("\t%s %s;\n", $node, $settingsString);

	return $result;

 * Find out the current revision of the project
 * @return string Revision string or UNKNOWN_REVISION if failed to determine
function getRevision() {

	if (is_executable(PATH_TO_SVNVERSION)) {
		$result = trim(shell_exec(PATH_TO_SVNVERSION));

	return $result;

 * Print graph header
function printGraphHead() {
	print "digraph models {\n";
	print "\tlabel=\"Model relationships (Date: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ", SVN: " . getRevision() . ")\";\n";
	print "\tlabelloc=\"t\";\n";

 * Print graph footer
function printGraphTail() {
	print "}\n";

 * Print graph legend
 * @param array $relationSettings Show sample nodes with relations and explanations on the graph
function printGraphLegend($relationSettings) {
	print "\tsubgraph clusterLegend {\n";
	print "\t\tlabel=\"Legend\";\n";
	print "\t\tstyle=\"filled\";\n";
	$second = '';
	foreach ($relationSettings as $type => $settings) {
		$settings['label'] = $type;
		list($first, $second) = getTargets($second);
		print "\t" . prepareRelation($first, $second, $settings);
	print "\t}\n";


 * Print node clusters in dot format
 * To avoid misplacing nodes, first we generate a cluster for each model
 * location and put all models from that location as nodes of this cluster.
 * @param array $modelsList Array with models
function printNodeClusters($modelsList) {
	foreach ($modelsList as $parent => $models) {

		// Generate a cluster subgraph for each model path (app/models, plugin/*/models)
		print "\tsubgraph cluster$parent {\n";
		print "\t\tlabel=\"$parent\";\n";

		asort($models, SORT_STRING);
		foreach ($models as $modelName) {
			print "\t\t" . prepareNode($modelName, array());
		print "\t}\n";

 * Print node relations in dot format
 * @param array $relationData Array with relations data
 * @param array $relationSettings Array with relation settings
function printNodeRelations($relationData, $relationSettings) {
	foreach ($relationData as $parent => $models) {

		foreach ($models as $modelName => $relations) {
			foreach ($relations as $type => $targets) {
				foreach ($targets as $targetModel) {
					print prepareRelation($modelName, $targetModel, $relationSettings[$type]);

// Gather data

$relationData = array();
$modelsList = array();
$modelsDirs = getModelsDirs();
foreach ($modelsDirs as $modelsDir) {
	$dir = new DirectoryIterator($modelsDir);

	// load AppModel or plugins' AppModel
	$parentDir = dirname($modelsDir);
	$parentDirRelative = basename($parentDir);
	if ($parentDirRelative == 'app') {
		if (file_exists($parentDir . '/app_model.php')) {
			require_once $parentDir . '/app_model.php';
		else {
			class AppModel {
	else {
		$pluginAppModel = $parentDir . '/' . $parentDirRelative . '_app_model.php';
		if (file_exists($pluginAppModel)) {
			require_once $pluginAppModel;

	foreach ($dir as $fileInfo) {
		if (! isValidModel($fileInfo)) {

		$modelFile = $fileInfo->getPathname();
		require_once $modelFile;
		$modelName = getModelName($fileInfo);

		// The fact that we had the file doesn't necessarily mean that we have a model defined in it
		if (! class_exists($modelName)) {

		$modelObject = new $modelName();
		$modelsList[$parentDirRelative][] = $modelName;

		foreach ($relationSettings as $relationName => $settings) {
			if (!empty($modelObject->$relationName) && is_array($modelObject->$relationName)) {
				$relationData[$parentDirRelative][$modelName][$relationName] = array_keys($modelObject->$relationName);

// Print out the graph
printNodeRelations($relationData, $relationSettings);

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