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Today I watched the documentary “Grass“. It shows the history of battles for legalization of marijuana in United States of America.

Directed by: Ron Mann
Genres: Documentary
Cast: Woody Harrelson, Harry J. Anslinger, George Bush, Cab Calloway, Jimmy Carter, Tommy Chong, Nancy Davis, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Jerry Garcia, Allen Ginsberg, John F. Kennedy, Gene Krupa, Fiorello LaGuardia, Timothy Leary, John Lennon, Cheech Marin, Robert Mitchum, Richard Nixon, Yoko Ono, Eli Perell, Josh Perell, Ronald Reagan, Harry S. Robins, John Sinclair, Douglass Smith, Stephanie Zari
IMDB raintg: 7.2
My rating: 7.5 [rate 7.5]

The film is excellent. It is in favor of legalization and you won’t see anything much against the drug in the film. But since I support the legalization myself, I had a whole lot of entertainment watching it. It was also very informative, even if single sided.

There were lots of historical video footage, quotes, references, and suggestions in the film. I am making now a list of things to follow-up. What else can I ask from a documentary?

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