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On time

I find it interesting how our (mine and Olga’s) perseption of time has changed with Maxim’s arrival to our home. Until recently time was either running or crawling. When I was busy or interested with something, time would pass without me noticing it at all. When waiting for something to happen, or sitting through a boring lecture, time would usually go as slow as a snail*.

These days though time feels pretty different. It’s like there are two things called time which are mixed in 50×50 proportion. One time is the period between the feedings. These are usually about 3 hours apart. 3 hours sounds like a lot of time, but it is not. Having a quick rest to recover the strength, taking care of the crap like napkins and pampers, cleaning up and sterilizing bottles and soothers, getting a fast snack, starting up all the baby clothes washing and all sorts of other small tasks can kill multitudes of 3 hours pretty fast. The other time is the period of 24 hours. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is. There are 8 (!!!) 3 hour periods in 24 hours. Having the day and night broken into a number of shorter periods makes it seem like an eternity. I can barely remember everything I did today. Yesterday is all blurred out…

Anyway, having a feeling of both fast and slow time during the same period of time feels strange to me. I guess I’ll be getting used to it…

* snails and turtles are used to describe slow motion pretty often. I have seen both and let me tell you that they are not anything alike in speed. Snails are really slow. Turtles, on the other hand, just appear to be. When in need, turtles can move pretty fast. I’ve seen baby turtles hurry towards the sea and they were anything but slow. Snails just can’t do that.

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