Site icon Leonid Mamchenkov

House of Sand and Fog

I am writing this post being totally smashed and shaken by “House of Sand and Fog” that I have watched on DVD a couple of hours ago. I can barely find any words to express myself.

This is one of the greatest movies that I have seen recently. It is a pure drama, which don’t come out that often. No product coloring like comedy or action were added. It is somewhat slow paced and all “artistic” will brilliant photography and sound pieces. In fact, it is done in the way that usually leaves me very unsatisfied and frastrated. I don’t like this type of movies. But “House of Sand and Fog” was an exception.

Vadim Perelman shoud really be awarded a bunch of awards for this film. Especially considering that he directed, produced, and screenplayed it. And considering the fact that this is his first movie ever. Unbelievable! The rest of the crew were great too. Jennifer Connelly and Ben Kingsley delivered excellent performace, while there plenty was coming from the supporting roles too.

This film is an absolute must see. 10 out of 10.

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