Site icon Leonid Mamchenkov

Social bookmarks with provides a service that you might have been looking for for some time now. Essentially, it is a bookmark manager. You can register (by the way, features one of the simpliest registration forms ever), create yourself an account and use it to manage your bookmarks. Add, delete, edit, categorize, search, and all the usual operations are available. The beauty of it when compared to regular bookmarks is that you will be able to access your bookmarks from anywhere – home, school, work, mobile, etc. No synchronization needed.

Additionally, you will be able to see who else bookmarked sites that you did. You can also share you bookmarks with the world and see what world has to offer. And on top of that, RSS feeds are provided for all the accounts, so you can be notified of changes to other people’s bookmarks immediately.

If that is not enough for you to try the service, here is some more – there are integrations of this service for some browsers. For example, you Firefox can use pretty much as a native bookmark manager via this extensions.

I decided to give this a try too. My profile is tvset.

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