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Perseid meteor shower

Lev, Hazard, Olga and I went to see the Perseid meteor shower today. I even took my camera and a tripod hoping to make a couple of wonderful pictures. Unfortunately, the skies were not very clear = there were some really ugly moving clouds. And we didn’t manage to get far enough from the city. Plenty of lights were still on at Kurium beach, so the star visibility was rather poor.

We have seen few very nice meteor drops, but it was really impossible to photograph those. I had the camera constantly on 30 second exposure shots, but all that was coming out were black skies with no stars or meteors.

The activity of the rain was poor too. We have seen only about 5 or so very bright and long-tailed meteors. Another 20 or so were spontaneous, random and in different regions of the sky. Finally we got bored and went home. So, no supershower for us, eh.

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