Site icon Leonid Mamchenkov


Saturday is a beach day again. This time there are 5 of us (with Lev’s son Mushrik added as a bonus). Governor’s beach is a choice for today with kind of freezing water which I could stay in the longest. :)

Staying without swimming-ready water on the beach is a kind of tricky thing. One must find something to do. So we did. Aparently, there were rich flora and fauna in the water, so we started to collect all the sea grass into a one giant heap on the sand. Sounds boring, but that actually proved to be lots of fun with everyone participating. Lots of pictures of this fun are expected from Hazard. :)

Food time discovered us in a rather average taverna on the same Governor’s beach with everyone suddenly getting very interested in machine selling fake tattoos. I wonder how this will all end… :)

Back in Limassol we are in a mood to see “Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas” in the closest cinema, but our plan failed miserably due to a tricky part of figuring out the film schedule. Instead, we decided to have a fast trip to brewery just to check it out. Recently it was nothing but a disappointment, but we are full of hope. On our way to brewery we stop at the “Time Elevator”, which we wanted to visit for a long time.

Now, Cyprus “Time Elevator” is something similar to “Malta Experience” for those who know. The idea is to entertain and educate tourists with a short (about 30 minutes) guide to Cyprus. The difference between “Malta Experience” and “Time Elevator” is that Malta’s approach is education-oriented, while Cyprus approach is aiming more at entertainment. And it is definitely a place to go if you’ve 7 CYP and a half an hour. The effects are very realistic with sound in the headphones, chair feedback and wind and water coming onto you. :) Very nice job. I forsee another visit “for details” in the not so distant future. :)

Brewery, on the other hand, turned out to be a no different disappointment from any of the recent ones. I think it’ll be a long time and someone’s real good recommendation until we will go there again. Pity. :(

End of the day was met at Hazard’s place with red wine and game of… you guessed it – poker. :) Overall, a good and bright day to be remembered. :)

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